Monday, September 8, 2014

1st day - 4th Sep 2014 - The Last Meal? at night and "Arrested" the next day!


"I will be mostly eating"...

No grains (e.g.,wheat) free and junk food free.
No chocolate/high sugar as I want to burn body fat.
Sugar including fruit juices but not milk. Which is a third sugar. But full fat is good energy.
Gnocchi - potato based only, for carbs, crisps(chips) as the odd treat.

The night before official start....

Entering Ferry @Portsmouth, England, U.K. (with bikers 'and' Keith)

Keith was an unexpected (if brief) ferry-companion doing a mammoth task.  France to Italy!
You can follow and support him as 'he' is still cycling as I type.

and 'The last Human meal'. (Queue Homer eating sounds...)

Ok, so does my Bum look big in this? (I think I have them inside out)

I may be eating something here (odd grimace) but this is my condition pre-destroying my body for 8 days, I tried to add some body fat for 3 weeks before this, so apologies for the 'extras'.
(ok so that's Hyperbole, sorry)

Post-ferry "sleep in a seat"...arrive at Caen (the largest city in), Lower Normandy, France, Europe.
(AKA Northern France, 3,500 miles away from America - Ok,... sorry just that running joke).

I just love any sunset.(or in this case sunrise!)

...and my trusty GPS is getting senile 'not enough memory' error!
I entered the whole 600 miles journey and.....

The first of many issues I had on the first day.  Dam I was 100% reliant on this tech?!?
Shorter sub-routes yield results and we are off!

What does it mean if you finally do start answering your own internal monologues?

Sometimes you just have to live on raw eggs and Solar power!

First scenic little town:Calvados (huge finger tips 'are' often seen, yes.)

The Panniers (attached to the bike to hold all your kit and not have weight on your back) are suddenly catching on the wheel spokes very dangerous as you suddenly breaking from the rear.
(Still a problem on day two.)  I had to bungy them to the frame to stop that.
Could have gone smoother, lots of time lost!

A typical quiet scenic road in France
(when not on a major highway; which was still 1/3rd of my route sadly.)

This is so inviting on a hot first day.  Refill water.  Soak head, neck and trunk and eat!
Yay, I'm human again.

'Combat' forest bales of hay.

N138, D254, D23, D133, D511, D658a

Had to rest as quads burning! (bodes warnings for the first day...)

GPS Warning:
I was going through Caen centre at break-tortoise-speed with seemingly all red lights.

I changed the GPS To fastest speed and it took me off route I think.  Heading past Argentan until dark(currently 18 painful miles) upshot? I'm eating all the food for tonight now! Half water left still.
Trying to refuel that all the time as worried about that side.

Wild Blackberries!  Yum, Saviour!

Argentan 4th @6pm.

Spooky new angle on crop circles mixed with Egyptian-pyramid-like stacking...?
(see funny pictures section but this was after the alien bunker area so I'm getting worried as a cow now.)

Onwards into darkness
More pain in my right knee than Ben Nevis (a U.K. Mountain I climbed some years earlier)

A88 ?? - NOOOOOOO!!  No A roads allowed on a bike!!

Confused English cyclists are not allowed on French A-roads "Auto-Route" (highway) - I think that's what he said... 'his' French was bad!!

"But the GPS told me to do it?" - Didn't go down well. (there is a setting that says no highways BTW)

"Arrested" (felt like...)

...And a short ride on a yellow the motorway...thanks.

Yay more free French food!  Wild Apples...lots so I fill the Panniers free space up with a few.

First night sleeping:

In pink 'tent' in field by the road.just out of town so the cops don't get called. so road-noisy but hopefully vermin free!

I did just hear an owl though.8 hours sleep badly needed. Cycled dark to dark!
Finished 9:20 pm UK time.
Have knife handy in case of bears or locals (I've seen wolf creek).

I can hear something nibbling now.
Hopefully not after apples and I find holes in panniers!

No mosquitoes but nice temperature. Surprised for the north.
I'm passing out but little creature sniffing about outside already, great!