Sunday, August 31, 2014


With 600 miles wearing on my 'Caboose' I suspect that even with these bum-padded shorts
I will still be mostly very a large way.

(Craig Kelly-Soens accepts no payment or share options from and denies any and all involvement in their 2014 'Orange-Butz' marketing campaign currently running at great success...)

Friday, August 29, 2014

No itinerant...; prefer peripatetic!

Ok, so I am off again (before I get into this weeks funny)
I've been organising the French bike ordeal...eShopping all week.

I've decided to wear two of my finest legs...
(the ones on the right; no pun intended on the frogs theme)
But they are about to endure 600 French miles of pain!

Related Poem for you
Been planning a journey on a Bike,
600 miles is a hell of a hike.
Modern: Solar panels and no map!
The only worry is no water on tap.

Well used to 'wrong side of the road',
I just need music and a head-down mode.
I suspect that I'll need super powers!
But hey, who needs toilets and showers?

Irrational love of speed! Why do it?
....and why put yourself through it?
But when is love rational?
You cannot fear the falling off!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cycle North to South of France in 7 days?

Cycle North to South of France in 7 days?

OK, so I could fail this and i could instead say 8 days
and instead succeed.
But where is the fun in that?
And indeed where is the challenge?

I find it funny how humans feel the need to categorise and
limit to e.g., a week - and not e.g., 8 days.
Which would be a nice rounder number, I think.