Tuesday, October 18, 3014

droll, whimsical, jocose even but oft facetious photos (sticky)

Happy Valentines!

Mind the Gap
Mind the Gap
Mind the Interstitial

Ecuador: Police Siesta (Human and Animal)

I find it upsetting that someone would leave an old lady on the beach overnight!
People just do not appreciate the Moons effect on the Ocean.

A few pretty old photos I took, from a re-found collection:
Zoom in.  My eyes did.

I just love serendipity.

The London Homeless Dog-Man


Next morning: Two beers and a dog poo (very scatty these few pics)
What I think is funny is the Juxtapose, two people
unwittingly relaxing, in the dark, drinking beer...

dairy based cigarette metonym?

And another famous smoker...(as a baby)

Insight... into... mind...

Poor guy

Love to be a fly at the marketing meeting...

A fine Madison, NJ, USA business BUT for the website name

I picked up the card as it looked like "Pimp" Recruitment
I wondered what their clients from both sides were!
Later I noticed the Name on the card...
Now I maybe cynical...sometimes misanthropic (of nature).
but would you trust this guy with your future career?
(And his email is a killer also.)

Yea I have been and always will be hopefully...

From a toilet wall in Oxfordshire, U.K.

In Turkey there are no Stop signs, as it's obvious...

Who lives in a road like this? (the private bit is the cherry)

One of my early edits, it used to adorn my door.

Confession: I've seen some Sic TV in my time.

Older persons Motorbike?

Perhaps a little harsh on themselves

I took this years ago in London, cleaning or tourism is exhausting...

My name is Craig

I strongly suspect that the father has just mode some comment
after returning from the beach.
The mothers face is a killer.  I think she remembers the company name.

A bit less obvious...this hint.


Ok, Juvenile again, but I was with a Juvenile when I took it.

Maybe, when I was younger...

Do you think he has a smaller than average tool-set?

Harsh though...(a flower?)

I have clients of my software
they do 'Services'

A selection of funny Turkish TV station names

Pure fluke this one

[No comment]

Maybe slightly (but in a nice way)

Goes beyond that really...

Are crying...

It's not working

Not as exciting as it sounded

Sea Food?

Aldi: It's amazing what you can import to sell from Europe.

If you know me; You know why this is funny.

Ex wife bought him the car

Just silly

 British culture insight

My boys found it funny...

Ecuador Beach: I just wonder how these wing got here?
Choosey Ants?,
or positioned in some Black Dalia-Copycat cult-style.

How your front page can advertise against you.

Ecuador: Tailoring to the Choosey female motorist.

...oh and do have a Happy Xmas as well!

Garage Irony

"Gotta Love" an integral NY USA toilet (and client).

I would love to have this much contempt for a website,
while simultaneously acquiescing.


October 2014
It's a shame as this was a full small arc but by the time I took this the left had vanished.

August 2014
